IF Studios
The Art of ilena finocchi

Tennessee public Art

Intermitant Dendrites

Intermittent Dendrites is a celebration of the parallels between the many patterns and relationships that can be found in rivers, trees, flowers and human-made architecture. Dendrites, from the Greek source ”of or like a tree,” is also a descriptor of the shape of water patterns created in the way certain rivers flow. Much like the cycles of nature the artwork highlights circular elements referencing the connectivity of patterns in this vibrant and comforting abstract art.

At IF Studios, part of the core belief is in the power of nature to inspire and connect. As a multi-disciplinary artist, I find solace and creativity in the beauty of the natural world. From the delicate patterns of a tree growth rings to the vast landscapes that rivers stretch through, I aim to bring the magic and awe of nature into every aspect of our world. Did you notice the patterns in nature are repeated? A tree branch, a river, our blood vessels all have similar shapes.
“Be kind to trees they are busy saving the world”

Public art in Johnson City, Tennessee

Artwork choosen for two utility boxes

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