IF Studios
The Art of ilena finocchi


Public ART

Why I make Public Art

The most influential art changes our perspective and the way we see the world. I believe public art is like planting a seed that can bring growth in a person’s daily life. I value the arts as essential to our existence as clean air or water. Art is the reason I get up each day and create.  

I approach each project with a targeted voice as can be seen by my diverse portfolio. I have the technical expertise of a well trained and experienced graphic designer, art director and illustrator with over thirty years of award winning experience. I also bring the creative thought process and skill set of a fine artist who has had work shown nationally.

My newest work explores including animation through Virtual animation and having viewers interactively become part of making the artwork come to life.

Below you will find range of public art projects click on the link underneath for more information about each project.

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